The name "My Unbreakable Recipe Box" comes from seeing generations of family members who have broken recipe boxes that are too precious to replace. Of course I have my own (already broken) recipe box which will always have a special place in my kitchen, but this one will never break.

To find more of my interests and recipe recommendations, follow me on Pinterest!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reintroduction Day 9: 02/25/14

Today was day two of dairy and I had string cheese with my lunch, again all is well and I am not having any bad symptoms!

People seem to be most interested in my other post about my daily nutrition, so I thought that I would share another day. Here is what I ate today: 

As usual I began the day with my usual breakfast smoothie and my vegan and paleo breakfast muffins! Rice tortillas with refried beans is my absolute favorite thing to have for lunch! It is just so filling with the tortilla and the beans and I love it! I look forward to it every week! I had it with my usual salad with a little bit of apple on top. I started dinner with green beans and spinach that I cooked in coconut oil and then had one of my stuffed peppers! It was a very delicious day and all of my nutrition was right on track!

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