The name "My Unbreakable Recipe Box" comes from seeing generations of family members who have broken recipe boxes that are too precious to replace. Of course I have my own (already broken) recipe box which will always have a special place in my kitchen, but this one will never break.

To find more of my interests and recipe recommendations, follow me on Pinterest!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Elimination Day 17: 02/12/14

Today I had a fun time experimenting with almond flour muffins. I wanted to make a healthy-ish breakfast muffin, so I started with a basic recipe from my grandmother. I had to do a lot of substituting: almond flour instead of regular flour, banana instead of egg and grape seed oil instead of canola oil. I added an extra banana half some pecans and a dash of mini chocolate chips to add flavor. My biggest feat with these muffins was not adding sugar! The recipe called for a lot of sugar which I thought I could just do a little honey instead, but I became determined to have no sugar in these muffins! (Well, except for 1/4 cup of mini dark chocolate chips!)

Here's the final result:

They came out a little mushy on the inside, which must have been because of all the banana. Next time I will just lower the oven temperature and add more time for them to bake. It might also help to take out some of the oil to make things a little drier. The flavor is definitely right though, I wish I'd had some raisins to add because that would have been really great (and healthier than the dark chocolate chips). After another experiment I will share the recipe!

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