The name "My Unbreakable Recipe Box" comes from seeing generations of family members who have broken recipe boxes that are too precious to replace. Of course I have my own (already broken) recipe box which will always have a special place in my kitchen, but this one will never break.

To find more of my interests and recipe recommendations, follow me on Pinterest!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Elimination Day 14: 02/09/14

I have been thinking a lot about this diet as I come into the last week of the elimination cycle. I have realized that this diet will have done a lot more for me beside potentially helping me discover food sensitivities. I realized that even if I have no sensitivities when I test eggs and dairy, I will never eat the same way I did before.

I used to be a total sugar addict and while I still crave sweets, this diet has helped me feel the true effects of sugar on my body. When I made these chocolate chip cookies a few days ago and ate 8 cookies (see I do have a problem) in a day, I got a headache and woke up with acne on my face the next morning. I realize now it is just not worth how toxic it is to my body. Of course I will still enjoy occasional indulgences, but prior to this diet I used to eat massive amounts of candy in one day! I don't think I will ever be able to tolerate that amount of sugar again.

Another thing I have learned is to appreciate the power of greens! I used to eat salad every day and occasionally have asparagus or peas with dinner, but know I eat almost five servings of green vegetables a day (read how I do that here)! I will definitely continue to eat this way, I can't imagine eating dinner without first enjoying my pan of greens!

It has been a really huge challenge to cook and bake while avoiding all seven foods plus my known sensitivities. I have definitely found a lot of success with certain recipes and I now know that it is possible. I can really enjoy the baked goods that I love more often because I challenged myself to make them in a much healthier way (I'm especially proud of these muffins)!

Even if next week I don't discover any sensitivities, this diet has been one of the best choices I have ever made for my health. Maybe even before my decision to be gluten-free!

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