The name "My Unbreakable Recipe Box" comes from seeing generations of family members who have broken recipe boxes that are too precious to replace. Of course I have my own (already broken) recipe box which will always have a special place in my kitchen, but this one will never break.

To find more of my interests and recipe recommendations, follow me on Pinterest!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Reintroduction Day 4: 02/20/14

Today was my last day testing eggs, I had french toast for lunch again. I made it with just egg whites to see if that made a difference. I didn't really feel any symptoms after eating it, which was surprising since I really felt some on Tuesday. I am wondering if maybe I just got used to eating eggs or maybe using just egg whites made a difference. I definitely have more acne this week, so if it goes away after my egg-free days, I guess I can blame it on the eggs.

Before this diet, I never really ate eggs very often. I would have them in baked goods, but I don't like fried or scrambled eggs. I have only eaten french toast maybe five times in my life. I think that in the future I will probably just avoid eggs as often as I can. For the most part it is easy to substitute them in baking and when I am offered french toast I will probably take it. Even though my symptoms seemed to disappear after a few days, I think it is safe to say that eggs will go on my list to avoid 95% of the time.

One of my friends found me some store-bought cookies that I can actually eat. They are not too bad in terms of gluten-free food, most of the time these include soy and corn as substitutes. These cookies had millet flour and none of the top allergens! I would definitely recommend these they are really great!

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