The name "My Unbreakable Recipe Box" comes from seeing generations of family members who have broken recipe boxes that are too precious to replace. Of course I have my own (already broken) recipe box which will always have a special place in my kitchen, but this one will never break.

To find more of my interests and recipe recommendations, follow me on Pinterest!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Elimination: Day 4 1/30/14

I've been trying to limit my processed food and grains to one thing per day. This week I have been alternating rice cakes (which I break up in a bowl so I can pretend I'm eating popcorn), and rice tortillas. It definitely makes the meal planning more difficult. I haven't had rice or quinoa which seem like the obvious carb choices for someone doing a crazy elimination diet. I was struggling over my meal planning for next week and all of my friends were just saying I should eat the rice!

I realized that the list of things I am not eating is already long enough thanks to my sensitivities, allergies and the elimination diet. Let me recap my sensitivities for you:
1. Barley
2. Lima Beans
3. Coffee
4. Gluten
5. Malt
6. Peanuts
7. Rye
8. Sesame
9. Wheat
10. Bakers Yeast

Those ten things on top of the seven things that JJ Virgin has me eliminating? I think that with 15 things that I can't eat, I don't exactly need to be adding things to the list. So next week in my meal plan I have tangerine chicken breast to be served over rice and a quinoa salad with garbanzo beans, peppers and kale. I think I'm doing pretty well :)

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